The application prospects of drones in the power industry


The application of drones in the power industry covers power grid planning and design, construction, supervision, inspection, emergency response, etc.


(1) Power grid planning and design


In a low-altitude environment, UAVs can obtain terrain images, optical images, and transmission line images, which cannot be achieved by other monitoring and mapping methods. In the process of site selection for transmission lines and implementation of corridor planning, a comprehensive survey and collection of the planned area should be carried out. As everyone knows, the UAV surveying and mapping system can not only greatly reduce the impact of the environment on the information survey and collection, but also effectively ensure the efficiency, quality and accuracy of the data obtained. In the process of comprehensive analysis and research on the data obtained by drones, various factors should be considered comprehensively, limited resources should be fully used, the area should be reasonably planned, the line direction should be determined, and the path of the transmission line should be continuously optimized and adjusted, so that the country will build a power transmission line. Control expenses to a minimum.


(2) Power grid construction


In the construction process of power grid construction such as pole towers, frame assembly, transformers and other large equipment hoisting, guiding, ground wire erection, etc., there are many on-site traction equipment and large construction sites. The entry and exit of equipment and machinery is easily affected by the surrounding terrain and construction, which affects the construction period , And cause safety problems. Before construction, drones are used to collect images of the scene and surrounding areas in advance, use the generated three-dimensional images combined with the collected video photos to make construction plans for the parts to be constructed, plan entry and exit routes and traction equipment layout, and set safety restricted areas. During the construction of transmission lines, the complicated terrain, long line corridors, and the steep terrain, many trees and rivers through which the lines pass have greatly increased the difficulty of line erection and engineering construction. Considering the conflict between wireline construction and ecological environment protection, the line erection facility should be erected with the help of drones to put the guide ropes to suppress the problem in the cradle. In the specific operation process, a light-weight high-strength lead rope should be placed flying along the line to pass through each base tower, and then the lead rope behind it should be pulled to instruct to pull a three-stage lead rope and set up the wire. With the help of this method, many problems such as the difficult landing of the paramotor's deployment guide rope and the high strength of the manual deployment guide rope can be effectively dealt with. In addition, it is necessary to vigorously reduce the felling of trees along the route to protect the natural ecology.


(3) Power grid supervision


Falling from high altitudes and collapses are the main causes of construction accidents. However, because supervisors often stand on the ground to supervise, it is difficult to observe the construction conditions of high-altitude operations and even have blind spots, which makes it difficult to supervise all-round. For the construction of guide and ground wire erection, pole tower, frame assembly, etc., before construction, drones are used to collect on-site photos and videos to determine whether there are potential safety hazards in advance, and then allow construction workers to ascend to work after confirming safety. For constructions with traction equipment, drones can be used for aerial photography to quickly compose on-site image maps to confirm that the overall layout of the site is in line with the construction plan. UAVs can be used to regularly collect on-site images, generate three-dimensional models and 720 panoramas, combined with construction management software to control the construction progress, and can also take pictures of key parts to confirm the quality of construction and realize the inspection of the quality of high-altitude construction.


(4) Power grid inspection


With the help of drones for patrol inspections, it can not only find out the problems in the equipment and the factors that threaten the safety of the route in time, but also obtain the specific conditions of the environment and the operation of the route in real time, so as to find out the problems in time for relevant personnel. , Solve problems, avoid accidents and create favorable conditions. The drone can clearly identify pin-level fittings through visible light images through the photoelectric pod equipped with a visible light camera; the photoelectric pod equipped with an infrared thermal imager can measure the temperature through infrared; the photoelectric pod equipped with an ultraviolet imager can detect discharge through ultraviolet.


(5) Emergency response


The UAV has the functions of special inspection, normal inspection, and post-disaster fault inspection of the power grid. Once a disaster occurs, the smoothness of the road will be affected and personnel cannot perform inspections. At this time, the drone can be used to inspect transmission lines , Accurately locate line faults and towers, expand the viewing angle, so that "blind spots" can be prevented, and at the same time, balloons, kites, plastic bags and other foreign objects on the line can be removed by means of drones equipped with fire-breathing devices.


In the process of power system construction, planning, design, and operation, UAVs have played a key role. If UAV systems can be widely used in power systems, they can effectively ensure the stability and safety of power system operations.


Third, the application prospect of drones in the power industry


With the intelligent and high-speed development of UAV technology, its applications in power grid construction, emergency response, planning and design, supervision, etc. are gradually increasing, which can effectively reduce the cost budget of power companies, improve work efficiency, and increase The failure rate is greatly reduced. It is believed that with the gradual increase in power demand and the rapid development of UAV technology, the promotion and application of UAV measurement technology in the power system is bound to play a very important role.

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